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Significance of History

Welcome back students, in previous article we cover the definition of history and its related terms. Today we learn about the Significance of History.

There are several reasons which define the Significance or importance of history, but we pick four most important points regarding this; which are as follows:-

1.History tells us how, when and where people developed the earliest culture; how they began undertaking agriculture and stock raising, which made life secure and settled. 

2.History shows, how the ancient humans discovered and utilized natural resources; and how they created the means for their livelihood.

3.We get an idea of how the ancient inhabitants made arrangements for food, shelter and transport; and learn how they took to farming, spinning, weaving, metalworking and the like; how they cleared forests, founded villages, cities and eventually large kingdom like the Maurya Empire.

4.Also, studying the history helps us to deeply examine the roots of gross social injustice and prejudices; and discover the causes that sustain the caste system, subordinate women and promote narrow religious sectarianism. For example, there were no varna system before Vedic period, but how it established in the society, it is a matter of deep study. We will cover this topic in vedic period, for now you just remember this.

So, the study of history relevant not only to those who want to understand the true nature of the past but also to those who seek to understand the nature of the obstacles that hamper the progress of us as a nation and society.

We are try to write in the simplest form with limited content; ask doubt in comment section or through email. Division of history, will be our next topic in this series.