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Showing posts with label Vedic Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vedic Culture. Show all posts

Sabha & Samiti

We hear a lot about these two terms in Indian History; these were the popular tribal assemblies of ancient India. 

These assemblies were one of the special feature of the Rigvedic polity. However, it is difficult to enumerate and distinguish the functions of the two organizations; both are mentioned in many passage of the Rig Veda. From Rig Veda we have traces that, the election of King was done by a tribal assembly of whole people called Samiti. The king was called the protector of his tribe. His primary task was to protect tribe and cattles, fought wars and offered prayers to the gods on behalf of people. 

On the other hand, it is suggested that, Sabha was probably a Council of Elders or Nobles which acted as the National Judicature.

Also notes that, Sabha and Samiti were described in the Atharva veda as the twin daughter of Prajapati - the Creator.

Several tribal or kin-based assemblies such as the Sabha, Samiti, Vidatha and Gana are mentioned in the Rig Veda. They exercised deliberative military and religious functions. Even women's attended the Sabha and Vidatha in Rig Vedic times. The Sabha and Samiti mattered a great deal in early Vedic times, so much so that the chiefs or the kings showed an eagerness to win their support. 

However, in Later Vedic times, the Rig Vedic tribal assemblies lost importance and royal powers increased at their cost. The Vidatha completely disappeared, while Sabha and Samiti continued to hold their ground but their character changed. They were now controlled by chiefs and rich nobles and women were no longer permitted to sit in Sabha which was now dominates by warriors and Brahmanas.

Next Article:
1. Vedanta
2. Purusharthas
3. Rina
4. Samskaras
5. Yajna


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