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Some Important Points for Writing Good Answers in Exams

To write good answers in exams, it is necessary to follow some important points. If you write your answer keeping the following points in mind, then you can get good marks:-

1. Read and Understand the Question Carefully:-
The first step of writing good answers in  exams, is to understand the question correctly. First of all, read the question carefully and understand what it is asking to you. Underline the important words so that you do not deviate from them while answering. You have to make sure that you are understanding the correct meaning of the question because you will answer accordingly.

2. Plan the Answer:- Before writing the answer, organize your thoughts. Note down the main points and present them in a sequence. This will make your answer organized and clear.

3. Write your answer in Parts:- This is a very important point, understand it carefully. When you understand a question and plan to write your answer, then you should also keep in mind that your answer follows a pattern. This will help you in write a clear, organized and effective answer in exams. The pattern of a good answer can be as follows:

(I). Introduction
In this first part, give a brief introduction of the question and tell in which direction you are going to answer. This helps the examiner to understand the outline of your answer.

(II). Main part
In this part, explain the main points of your answer in detail. According to the word limit, it can be divided into sub-parts. For example, for a 500 word answer, you should make the first point, second point and third point. You should take care that all your points are presented clearly and precisely. At the same time, you are writing examples and facts in your answer.

(III). Conclusion
Present a summary of your answer in the conclusion. Repeat the main points briefly and give your final opinion or conclusion towards the question.

4. Write Concisely and Precisely:- Keep your answer concise and precise. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the main points. Giving clear and precise answers is important to impress an examiner. 

5. Use Examples and Pictures:- Wherever possible, include examples and pictures in your answer. This will give more clarity and depth to your answer. Examples and pictures make your answer more effective and help the examiner understand your answer.

6. Neat Handwriting:- Your handwriting should be neat and easy to read. This makes a good impression on the examiner.

7. Time Management:- By using time properly, you will be able to answer all the questions well and no question will be left out. Manage time properly. First answer those questions which you know well, then focus on difficult questions.

8. Revision:- After writing the answer, read it once again. This will help you correct any mistakes and make sure you have included all the necessary points.

9. Maintain Confidence:- It is very important to maintain confidence during the exam. Confidence can help you perform better and present your answers effectively.

10. Practice:- You must understand that regular practice is necessary to write good answers. Practice different types of questions and get feedback to improve your answers. This is an art that you can improve with regular efforts.

11. Prepare for Exams:- It is also important to prepare well for exams. Understand the syllabus well and focus on the important topics. Without understanding the syllabus you cannot give an effective answer.

By following these points, you can write good and effective answers in the exams.

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