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Showing posts with label Causation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Causation. Show all posts

What is causation? Discuss the manner in which historians use causation to explain any historical phenomenon. (20Marks)

Ans. Causation is one of the most important historiography tool which helps in history writing. A cause is basically a condition that is both necessary and sufficient for bringing about an event. It is a condition that is always present when the event ‘E’ occurs and always absent when the event ‘E’ doesn`t occur. Like social scientists, historians provide complete explanation of the phenomenon under consideration by determining what caused that event to occur. The search for causes, that is, causation is an important part of historical analysis. In word`s of E.J.Tapps, “without a concept of causation, there is no history”. Causation plays a vital role in providing coherent and intelligible explanation of the past.

Until 18th century, historians believed that cause must be an antecedent event occurring prior to the explained event. But following the works of scholars like John S. Mill, cause is no longer identified as just an event that occurred before.....[Continue to Read Complete Answer]

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