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History Factsheet -3

1. Jain texts were compiled in 6th century AD in 2nd Jain Mahasabha held at Vallabhi in Gujarat (512AD). Some of the important texts are as fellows:
(a). Acharanga Sutra -contains displinary rules and regulations for Jain monks.

(b). Bhagawati Sutra -throws light on the life of Mahavira.

(c). Vivagasuyam Sutra -contains discussion on karmaphala (i.e. fruits of actions).

(d). Parishishtaparva -written by Jain acharya Hemchandra is important Jain text.

2. Historical periods are divided into following categories:
(a). Pre-historic period -have no written evidence.
(b). Proto-historic period -have written evidences but not deciphered yet.
(c). Historic period -have written evidences and deciphered.

3. Stone Age comes under the Prehistoric period.

4. Stone Age has been categorized into three parts on the basis of different tools used at that time:
(a). Palaeolithic period
(b). Mesolithic period
(c). Neolithic period

5. Palaeolithic period is further sub divided into three periods on the basis of difference in tools:
(a). The Lower Palaeolithic period -tools use were handaxe, cleaver, chopper, etc.
(b). The Middle Palaeolithic period -tools used were points, borer, scrapper.
(c). The Upper Palaeolithic period -tools used was burins.
Note: Preceding tools had been followed with new tools of next period, according to their need as people aware about their use and manufacturing process.

6. Chopper-chopping pebble pieces of tools were at first obtained from Sohan Valley, Punjab, Pakistan. 

7. In India, at first, handaxe pieces of equipment were found in Vadamadurai and Attirapakkam near Madras.

8. The earliest pieces of evidence of domestication of animals in India have been found at Adamgarh (Hoshangabad, M.P.) and Bagor (Bhilwara, Rajasthan).

9. Damdama is a mesolithic site in Pratapgarh district, U.P., from here, 41 human graves have been found by Archaeologist team. Out of these graves, five are double burial and one is triple burial grave.

10. From mesolithic site of Sarai Nahar Rai, Pratapgarh, U.P. a grave with four human skeletons has been found.

11. Megaliths usually refers to the burials made up of large stones in graveyards.

12. Bhimbetka Rock Shelters (Caves) exhibit earliest traces of human life on the Indian subcontinent and include the pictures of an elephant, sambhar, deer, human dancing and hunting, etc.

13. In 2003, Bhimbetka rock shelters site was declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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