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MHI-03. Historiography Solved Assignment for Jan 2022 Session (Free)


Course Code: MHI -03

Assignment Code: MHI -03/AST/TMA/2021-22



NOTE: ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS.  The assignment is divided into two section "A" and "B". You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.



1. What is causation? Discuss the manner in which historians use causation to explain any historical phenomenon. [20Marks] 

[See Answer]

2. Write a note on the historiographical traditions in early India. [20Marks]


3. What do you understand by oral history? Discuss its relationship with the mainstream historiography. [20Marks]


4. Describe the important features of Indo-Persian tradition of history-writing during the Mughal period. [20Marks]


5. Give an analytical account of the various traditions of historiography which constitute the Positivist tradition. [20Marks]

[See Answer]



6. What is postmodernism? Discuss the postmodernist views on history. [20Marks]

[See Answer]

7. Write a note on the colonial historiography on Indian history. [20Marks]

[See Answer]

8. What do you understand by the term ‘subaltern’? Discuss the two phases the Subaltern Studies in India. [20Marks]

[See Answer]

9. Write a note on the conflicting views on Indian Renaissance. [20Marks]

[See Answer]

10. Write short notes in about 250 words each on any two of the following:  [10+10Marks]

a) D.D. Kosambi and Indian Historiography

[See Answer]

b) Greco-Roman Historiography

[See Answer]

c) Feminist Historiography in India

[See Answer]

d) Annales School

[See Answer]



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