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Q.1. Adaptation is the key to understand human interactions with Nature. Discuss. (20Marks)

Ans. The Human-Environment interaction relates to a phenomenon, which explains how humans interact with the adjacent environment to fulfil their needs and how the environment responds to these interactions. Moreover, it also describes how humans have adopted to their environment for their survival. Since geography shares a close relationship with humans and environment, it is essential to discuss it for a better understanding of this interaction between human beings and the environment. There are five themes of geography, which include place, location, movement, human-environment interaction and region.


If we talk about the Location, as the name suggests, it is related to the geographical position of a specific place on the Earth. Latitude and Longitude are the essential parameters to locate a place. Place, on the contrary, the term place discloses the physical specifications of a region such as wet, dry, hot or cold. Movement, concept of it relates to the transportation and immigration patterns in a particular region. Region, on the other hand, is specific an area showing identical characteristics. Lastly, Human-environment interactions are of different types. People use these interactions as a way to adapt to the environment as well as modify it. Following are the three basic types of Human-Environment interactions:

1. Humans try to modify the environment (positively or negatively), such as cutting forests, building dams and extending urban areas.


2. The way humans adapt to the environment to meet their needs.


3. The way humans depend on the environment for food, timber, water and other resources.



There are a few environment conditions, which humans can`t modify. Hence, they adapt to such conditions for their survival. Some of these adaptations include:

1. Taking benefit of the natural slope of the land for irrigation.


2. Building houses on higher ground to avoid flood.


3. Wearing warm clothes to survive in cold climate.


The experience of households in the dry lands of Kenya can provide useful lessons for sustainable adaptation. The case of Endau exemplifies that flexible interaction among groups through trade; mobility and natural resource access are essential components of sustainable adaptation. In particular, interventions and decisions by the government and district administration that obstruct interaction and trade have serious implications for equity because sources of trade are lost and because decisions favour some individuals and ethnic groups over others. The current governance has to some extent also initiated and contributed to tension and conflicts between and within agro-pastoral and pastoral groups, hindering access to natural resources critical for managing droughts, creating vulnerable groups as well as leading to loss of social, political and human rights. Hence, such governance has undermined sustainable adaption and human security.


Wallace believed that the evolution of organisms was connected in some way with adaptation of organisms to changing environmental conditions. In developing the theory of evolution by natural selection, Wallace and Darwin both went beyond simple adaptation by explaining how organisms adapt and evolve. The idea of natural selection is that traits can be passed down allow organisms to adapt to the environment better than other organisms of the same species. This enable better survival and reproduction compared with other member of the species, leading to evolution. Another French thinker, Jean Bapuste Lamarck, proposed that offspring, and therefore evolve. The example he gave stated the ancestors of giraffes might have adapted to a shortage of food from short trees by stretching their necks to reach higher branches. Natural selection, then, provides a more compelling mechanism for adaptation and evolution than Lamarck`s theories.




So, we can say that interaction between human and environment is a closer relationship. Human adapted environment for their survival. For example, humans modify the environment such as cutting forests, building dams and extending urban areas. There are a few environmental conditions, which humans can`t modify, so they adapt to such conditions for their survival.

- IGNOU MHI textbooks

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