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Q.7. Conservation of nature is need of the hour. Evaluate critically. (20Marks)

 Ans. Nature offers us all the basics for our daily necessities. As the world`s population is growing at an alarming rate, demand for natural resources is also rising. The most immediate reason for conservation is the preservation of wildlife and the promotion of biodiversity. Safeguarding and protecting bio-diversity for future generations often means that the species we cherish do not become things of the past and to do that, we should preserve a balanced and working environment.


There are many things which we can do for the conservation of the nature. Some of them are as followings:

1. Reduce ecological footprint.

2. Recycle your trash.

3. Limit your plastic.

4. Eliminate littering and participate in or help organize litter management dries.

5. Use less electricity by switching off lights and electronic equipment when not in use.

6. Conserve Nature.

7. Be-aware of the Wild animals that cross the road and respect their paths.

8. Do not buy or keep wild pets at home.

9. Make compost to improve the soil quality and protect insects.

10. Connect with nature.


It has become inherently important to work towards environmental conservation in contemporary times. The following pointers elucidate this crucial need to save the environment from further degradation:

1. To reduce air, water and land pollution.

2. To facilitate the conservation of natural resources for our future generations.

3. To ensure the protection of biodiversity.

4. To implement sustainable development.

5. To restore the ecological balance.

6. To save our planet from harmful repercussions of global warming.


Conservation of nature is basically, the conservation of resources such as air, water, sunlight, land, vegetations, animal life and minerals. All these resources are obtained from nature without any interference from the mankind. These resources are further employed to produce various things that make the lives of human being as well as other living being comfortable.


Natural resources are broadly categorized into renewable resources and non-renewable resources. Renewable resources are the ones that replenish naturally. These include air, water and sunlight. The use of these resources is encouraged over the non-renewable resources as the latter do not replenish and are fast depleting.


Some of the ways in which the common man can help in the conservation of nature is by planting trees, restricting the use of paper, stopping wastage of water and electricity, stopping ill practices such as hunting of animals and employing rain water harvesting systems. It does not take much to put the above mentioned ideas to practice. However, if each one of us contribute our bit to it, the difference it will bring about would be tremendous.




We could not be safe in an unsanitary climate, it is in our best interact to protect the natural environment as much as we can. Let us all come together to conserve nature by doing our part. Support the government initiatives and participate in creating awareness about the importance of creating a protective environment for our environment.

- IGNOU MHI textbooks

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