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MHI-10: URBANISATION IN INDIA Solved Assignment for Jan2022 Session (Free)


Course Code: MHI-10

Assignment Code: MHI-05/AST/ TMA/2021-22

Total Marks: 100


Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections 'A' and 'B'. You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.



Q.1. What are the approaches to study the medieval towns? [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.2. What do you understand by subsistence and non-subsistence economies? Explain in the context of the Harappan civilization. [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.3. What are settlement pattern studies? Discuss surveys and excavations undertaken with regard to Early Historic urban centres. [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.4. What is the theory of urban decay? Do you agree that proliferation of land grants led to the decline of urban centres in the Early medieval period? [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each. [10+10Marks]

i). Layout of Harappan cities [See Answer]

ii). Primary categories of habitation in the Vedic literature [See Answer]

iii). Growth of urban centres in the Sultanate period [See Answer]

iv). Nature of regional capital cities during the fifteenth century [See Answer]





Q.6. Compare Agra, Fathpur Sikri and Shahjahanabad as Mughal capital towns. [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.7. Examine the growth of the city of Surat in the 17-18th centuries. What was the pattern of urban social order of Surat? [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.8. Why did the British segregate urban centres in ‘Black’ and ‘Whilte’ towns? What kind of new urban space was produced here? [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.9. What were the urban pressures that emerged in the immediate post-independence decades, and how were they met? [20Marks]

[See Answer]


Q.10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each. [10+10Marks]

i). Bidar: a manufacturing town [See Answer]

ii). Cities in the Kachchh-Gujarat region [See Answer]

iii). Hill Stations in the colonial period [See Answer]

iv). The city as the space of the moder [See Answer]





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